What is PrEP?

PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a prescription medicine that can be used to help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 infection when used together with safer sex practices.

Who is right for PrEP?

PrEP must only be prescribed to individuals who are confirmed HIV-negative immediately prior to initiating and periodically (testing every three months) during use. Do not prescribe PrEP if signs or symptoms of acute HIV-1 infection are present unless negative infection status is confirmed.

PrEP is meant for individuals who fall into a high-risk category. That includes individuals who engage in sexual activity in a high prevalence area or social network and have one or more of the following: inconsistent or no condom use, diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), exchange of sex for commodities (money, food, shelter, drugs), use of illicit drugs or alcohol dependence, incarceration, and/or sexual partners of unknown HIV status with any of the above risk factors.


  • PrEP Spot

  • PrEP Spot

  • PrEP Spot

Why PrEP?

To significantly reduce the risk of those who are considered high risk for HIV-1. When combined with safe sex practices, clinical studies have shown that PrEP reduces the risks of contracting

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What else should be considered?

Prescribing considerations for PrEP:

  • PrEP must be part of a comprehensive prevention strategy.
  • Uninfected individuals must strictly adhere to their dosing schedule because the effectiveness of PrEP in reducing the risk of acquiring HIV-1 is strongly correlated with consistency.
  • Uninfected individuals must strictly adhere to their dosing schedule because the effectiveness of PrEP in reducing the risk of acquiring HIV-1 is strongly correlated with consistency.