Kodie's Bio

Growing up in a rural area, access to health care and other resources has always been a huge struggle. In 2015 Scott County had the largest HIV outbreak in US history, with more than 300+ humans infected with HIV and over 90% of those were also diagnosed with Hep C. Since then, we have been able to collaborate and provide health coverage to more than 14 surrounding counties in the Southern Indiana region. I am embarking on my 4th year working in Infectious Disease care and we have made great strides in providing education, testing, treatment, case management and many other valuable resources for our clients and those who are at high risk for an STD/STI Infections. I am blessed to have been given the opportunity to serve people who are affected by HIV, and other infectious disease risks. Over the last several years I have been able to connect hundreds of clients into care and offer education to thousands of people who are at risk of contracting HIV. Currently, as the PrEP & Outreach Manager at Health Plus Indiana, I am blessed to be a part of the Infectious Disease team and collaborate with other community partners to ensure all Hoosiers have access to the correct care that they need, I especially enjoy bringing attention to our members of the LGBTIA+ community, who most times in a rural area are overlooked and neglected. Please reach out with any questions or concerns regarding PrEP or what our agency can offer.

Hours of Availability

  • Weekdays

    8:00am -5:00pm