What is PrEP?

Be the generation to eradicate HIV

PrEP, or pre-exposure prophylaxis, is a prescription medicine that can be used to help reduce the risk of getting HIV-1 infection when used together with safer sex practices.

  • Eat

  • Sleep

  • PrEP

  • Repeat

HIV/AIDS by the Numbers

Be the generation to eradicate HIV

HIV can seem scary. But thanks to research, medication is available to allow people with HIV to live and thrive. And now, there is even a pill that can prevent you from contracting HIV in the first place.

  • 1.7MILLION

    People were newly infected with HIV in 2019

  • 37.9MILLION

    People are living with HIV


    People died of AIDS-related illnesses in 2018

Where to get PrEP

Find PrEP providers near you!

PrEP for Providers

Prescribing considerations for PrEP:

  • PrEP must be part of a comprehensive prevention strategy.
  • Individuals that do not have HIV must strictly adhere to their dosing schedule because the effectiveness of PrEP in reducing the risk of acquiring HIV-1 is strongly correlated with consistency.
  • Always consider warnings, precautions and drug interactions when prescribing medicine.