• Q: How does PrEP work?

    A: PrEP is a medication that can be taken in a daily pill form or monthly injection form to prevent the HIV virus. The medication provides a protective barrier to our immune system to target the cells that can infect someone with the HIV virus.  Taken correctly, there is a less that 1% chance of getting exposed to HIV.

  • Q: Who should take PrEP?

    A: PrEP must be taken by someone who is HIV negative and has a recent confirmed HIV test.  It is also something that must be taken daily or managed by your medical provider. PrEP is for those that are at risk of getting HIV through sex.

  • Q: What are the different types of PREP? What are the differences?

    A: PrEP can come in many forms.  The most common is a once-a-day tablet medication that is taken.   Common name brands are Descovy and Truvada, with generic options.  Most recently there has been the release of Cabenuva, which will take the regimen in daily pill form for only a month before switching to a monthly visit to a health care provider for a shot.

  • Q: What are the different assistance programs for insured and uninsured patients?

    A:  PrEP is now covered through Medicaid, Medicare, Private Insurance, and through IDOH’s PrEP Map. If you have an income less than $16,971.00 you may qualify for Indiana Medicaid. If you make over the above amount, you may qualify for the Gilead Advancing Access program.

  • Q: What is the PrEP Care Continuum?

    A: Care Continuum describes how health care providers follow a patient from preventive care through medical incidents, rehabilitation, and maintenance.

  • Q: What are symptoms of acute HIV infection?

    A: Some symptoms include but are not limited to: 

    • – Headache

    • – Fatigue

    • – Aching Muscles

    • – Sore Throat

    • – Swollen lymph nodes

    • – A red rash that does not itch, usually on your torso

    • – Fever

    • – Ulcers (sores) in your mouth, esophagus, anus, or genitals

    • – Headache and other neurological symptoms

  • Q: What do I need to know about insurance & PrEP?

    A: PrEP is 100% affordable! The Marketplace and private insurance plans have a coverage option for generic and some name brand PrEP medications. PrEP is also covered by Indiana Medicaid, and the Healthy Indiana Plan. If you are prescribed brand-name Truvada or Descovy, you can work with your PrEP Navigator to enroll into the Gilead Advancing Access Program. To enroll, visit www.gileadadvancingaccess.com or call 1-800-226-2056.

  • Q: What is nPEP?

    A: “nPEP” stands for non-occupational Post Exposure Prophylaxis. As the term suggests, the goal of nPEP is to prevent HIV infection after you have been exposed to the virus.